
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Don't take the entertainment out of entertainment

In the wake of Roger Goodell's "Iron Fist Era" there is something in the league that is really beginning to irk me. It seems like all of the sudden, the NFL is beginning to nickel and dime the players for everything.
Terrell Owens had a brilliant touchdown celebration last weekend, in which he poked fun at Bill Bellichick and the "spygate" scandal. T. O. "hid" behind the goal post and used the ball to simulate a camera. Honestly, one of the funniest things that I have seen in a football game, well, since Owens's "Ray Lewis" dance... in front of Ray Lewis.

The NFL fined Terrell Owens $7,500 for violating the rule concerning touchdown celebrations, in which you are not permitted to use the ball as a prop in any celebration. I'm a huge supporter of Goodell's new rules regarding conduct, and I think that it is doing some good in the NFL which was beginning to be a lighter version of the Indiana Pacers. However, why are we making the game, this form of entertainment, so systematic?

Here's my proposal to fix it. If the celebration is fun and entertaining and not vulgar or indecent; fine. However, I propose that if the celebration is not funny, vulgar, indecent, not well thought out, or even over-hyped, then the player should take his $7,500 fine as incentive to be more creative. Or in one case, shut up and do it. (Right, Chad Johnson?)

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